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User Research

A research was done to understand the behaviors and trends of language apps users and to identify opportunities to develop optimum design solutions.

Area of Focus

  • To know what they think of learning apps

  • Discover what they like and dislike about them

  • Find out their definition of an ideal learning app

  • How to give user a better learning experience

Target Audience

  • Active Working Adults (25-54 years old)

  • Male and female

  • Workers and students


Target Users

My customers are within the age of 20-40 years old working adults who love home baked confectionaries but do not know how or have time to bake. So they are interested in home recipe biscuits like mine.

Task and User Flow

The task flow is simple, user will navigate their way through the web searching for 'Chocolate Chip', add to the cart and proceed to make the online payment.

Solo Baker Flow.jpg


Logo Design

Logo Design

My home bakery is called, Solo Baker, as I am running it alone. The first step in creating my own brand is designing a logo. I chose this shape and colours because it represents my first product, Chocolate Chips, which is also my best-selling biscuit.

Design Styles

I would like to make something clean and readable, so I use Avenir Next family fonts. As for colours, they will be based on the same colour style as the logo.

Design Styles
Web Design

Web Design

Low Fidelity

The first step is establishing the functions, layouts and pages. What options to have, how many pages, where to put the buttons and so on. Since I only have 9 products, the system architecture is straight forward.

The top part is the logo, notice, options, search, cart. 

The mid part is the menu listing all 9 products.

The bottom part is the contact details.​​

The format is standard like most websites.

Solo Baker Web-06.jpg
Solo Baker Web-07.jpg
Solo Baker Web-08.jpg
Solo Baker Web-09.jpg
Solo Baker Web-10.jpg

High Fidelity

After the functions, layouts and pages are confirmed, the next step is visual design, choosing the right fonts, colours and sizes.

Solo Baker Web-01.jpg
Solo Baker Web-02.jpg
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Solo Baker Web-05.jpg
App Design

App Design

The home page will be split into two: the home page and the contact page.

The home page will only show one product at a time, user can swipe left or right to see others.

There is a product number shown for user to know how many products there are to swipe through.

User can also use the search function on top for convenience. 

For the product, cart and payment pages, the right portion details are brought down so user can view them within the same page without having to swipe right.

Low Fidelity

Solo Baker Mobile v3-12.jpg
Solo Baker Mobile v3-13.jpg
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Solo Baker Mobile v3-15.jpg
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Solo Baker Mobile v3-17.jpg

High Fidelity

Solo Baker Mobile v3-01.jpg
Solo Baker Mobile v3-02.jpg
Solo Baker Mobile v3-03.jpg
Solo Baker Mobile v3-04.jpg
Solo Baker Mobile v3-05.jpg
Solo Baker Mobile v3-06.jpg


There was an "Add to Cart" option on the home page to make it convenient for users to select what they see on the home page itself. But there are two problems.​

  1. User can only see the product details on the cart page. This is not a problem for one product but what if user is purchasing several products? They will be overwhelmed with information about the product details and cost details being listed on the same page which makes their experience a frustrating one.​

  2. Visual wise, it will not be a pleasant sight to see the home page cluttered with so many CTA buttons for every product. The "Add to Cart" option on every row also means that the vertical scrolling will be longer.


Initially, there is no product number. So the users will have no idea how many products there are and how many more products he or she need to swipe before reaching the end.

Now the users knows how many products there are and  where they are at, as they might have forgotten if they had seen the previous product already or not.

Solo Baker v3-01.jpg
Solo Baker Web-01.jpg
Solo Baker Mobile v2-01.jpg
Solo Baker Mobile v3-01.jpg
Self Reflection

Self Reflection

Based on the survey among my friends and relatives that I sold my biscuits to, they are generally satisfied with what the website will look like as it is simple to use and nice to look at but that doesn't mean there is no room for improvement in the future.

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